5 Tips to Rain Proof Your Wedding Day


ALWAYS HAVE A PLAN B WHEN IT COMES TO ANYTHING YOU ARE GOING TO DO OUTDOORS! YES, I AM YELLING!   A wedding is a huge deal and if you are planning to have a sunset dinner on the beach with no canopy in sight you have a potential disaster on your hands.  


Be prepared to have rain protection with you

A large Umbrella

A Large cape to cover you

Spare shoes for the walk from the car to the building

Extra hands and friends prepared to hold your gown from the wet ground


Make sure if they car pool or take a charter bus make sure to meet near a covered area, SO many people meet in the middle of parking lots and its hard to say hello and put a bag in the undercarriage, and get inside and not be drenched.  Many Marriott are accommodating with their parking lots and covered foyers to have a meeting zone.

Is your cocktail hour in the same building as the reception?    There was a wedding in upstate NY where the Cocktail hour was on a hill and the reception was in a tent and the guests had a gorgeous 1/4 mile walk on a lovely day or got picked up in a golf cart and taken there two by two.

Think of scenarios where you will find your loved ones without cover. 


Can't have a cocktail hour buffet set up in the sun nor under a cloudy sky. Same goes for musicians, equipment, extension cords etc. Have a plan to move things indoors and have the space for it.  We did a wedding in Bermuda where the outside area held 100 and when it rained we set up inside in an area that held 40 people and even though it was still amazing, it was very crowded!


You plan to take photos in the park?  The Gardens?  Ok, it rains, now what?  Have a just as beautiful setting to use as a backup so your are not disappointed. How are you going to walk on the beach or in the wet grass in your beautiful shoes and then go inside and dance?  Bring a that spare!

Hurricane Sandy knocked out the power to the majority of Caterers in NJ, NY , PA and CT   But there were a few that were open the same weekend and running on full power generators. Know what your caterer has and have a plan if they dont.    One time we moved an entire wedding from Spring Lake to Eatontown on the day of the wedding becasue there was no power. Imagine the undertaking!

So, put some thought into that beautiful wedding parade you are planning and don't let anything rain on it!

Much Love and Sunshine,



Feel free to email me and add comments or suggestions to add to this post!  Aprilkelly@bandofgoldmusic.com


April Kelly
Owner/ BandLeader



Katie Kerins